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New posts in angularjs-material

Angular material autocomplete search anywhere in string?

md-chips with ngMessage

Contidional template - Controller 'mdRadioGroup', required by directive 'mdRadioButton', can't be found

How do I use an expression with md-colors directive?

My own styles in angular material ui

Angular Material layout-align center doesn't affect text in small mode

Change md-checkbox color

Browser support for Angular material

md-sidenav toggle() is on top of the md-toolbar

How do I change md-input-container placeholder color using css in angular material?

css angularjs-material

how to write css for a specific breakpoint in angular material

How to create a responsive (varying column count) Angular-Material card grid

How to get rid off multiple style tags inserted to head by AngularJS Material?

What's the difference between AngularJS Material and Polymer?

How to change the underline color of selected tab in angular-material?

IE11 XMLHttpRequest really slow performance

Angular material layout - expand to fill window

How to set text color in Angular-Material?


How to align the radio buttons horizontally in angular material?