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Contidional template - Controller 'mdRadioGroup', required by directive 'mdRadioButton', can't be found

I'm trying to build custom directive that will allow me to display questions in survey. Because I have multiple types of questions I thought about creating single directive and change it's template based on question type.

my directive:

directive('question', function($compile) {
  var combo = '<div>COMBO - {{content.text}}</div>';
  var radio = [
    '<div>RADIO - {{content.text}}<br/>',
    '<md-radio-group layout="row" ng-model="content.answer">',
    '<md-radio-button ng-repeat="a in content.answers track by $index" ng-value="a.text" class="md-primary">{{a.text}}</md-radio-button>',
  var input = [
    '<div>INPUT - {{content.text}}<br/>',
    '<input type="text" ng-model="content.answer" aria-label="{{content.text}}" required md-maxlength="10">',

  var getTemplate = function(contentType) {
    var template = '';

    switch (contentType) {
      case 'combo':
        template = combo;
      case 'radio':
        template = radio;
      case 'input':
        template = input;

    return template;

  var linker = function(scope, element, attrs) {

    scope.$watch('content', function() {


  return {
    //require: ['^^?mdRadioGroup','^^?mdRadioButton'],
    restrict: "E",
    link: linker,
    scope: {
      content: '='

Inside my main controller I have list of questions and after clicking button I'm setting current question that is assign to my directive.

Everything works fine for first questions, but after I set current question to radio type I get this error:

Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'mdRadioGroup', required by directive 'mdRadioButton', can't be found!

I've tried adding required to my directive as below, but it didn't helped.

require: ['^mdRadioGroup'],

I can't figure out whats going on, because I'm still new to angular.

I've created Plunker to show my issue: http://plnkr.co/edit/t0HJY51Mxg3wvvWrBQgv?p=preview

Steps to reproduce this error:

  1. Open Plunker
  2. Click Next button two times (to navigate to question 3)
  3. See error in console

I've edited my Plunker so my questions model is visible. I'm able to select answers, even in questions that throw error-questions model is updating. But still I get error when going to question 3.

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Misiu Avatar asked Feb 19 '16 11:02


2 Answers

I'd just simply extend a base directive, and then have a specialized ones with different directive names too.

// <div b></div>
ui.directive('a', ... )
myApp.directive('b', function(aDirective){
   return angular.extend({}, aDirective[0], { templateUrl: 'newTemplate.html' });

Code taken from https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki/Understanding-Directives#specialized-the-directive-configuration

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Iamisti Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10


Working Demo

There is no need to create and use a directive for your requirement.

You can just use angular templates and ng-include with condition.

You can just create three templates (each for combo, radio and input) on your page like this,

<script type="text/ng-template" id="combo">
    <div>COMBO - {{content.text}}</div>

And include these templates in a div using ng-include.

<!-- Include question template based on the question -->
<div ng-include="getQuestionTemplate(question)">

Here, getQuestionTemplate() will return the id of the template which should be included in this div.

// return id of the template to be included on the html
$scope.getQuestionTemplate = function(content){
    if(content.type == "combo"){
      return 'combo';
    else if (content.type == "radio"){
      return 'radio';
      return 'input';

That's all. You are done.

Please feel free to ask me any doubt on this.

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Abhilash Augustine Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10

Abhilash Augustine