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Load and call content of md-tab when it's clicked or selected from md-tabs (angular 1.5)

How do i change the angular material md-primary button text color?

How can I rotate image in AngularJs

Best way to implement a toggle button in AngularJS Material

Detect $mdDialog close while pressing ESC

ng-click on user defined $mdDialog with external template are not working

angular material how to pass data to preset dialog

angular material load angularjs 1.5 component into $mdDialog

Using `$mdToast` inside an interceptor triggering circular dependency

Angular Material Datepicker returns one day before the exact date

ngMaterial - md-autocomplete - results list showing behind modal form

Is there a way to refresh virtual repeat container?

md-tabs loosing scope when the object its repeating on is changed [AngularJS Material]

Create a starter project for material angular

i want set format of md-datepicker to dd-mm-yyyy

multi-item responsive carousel for angular material