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How to align the radio buttons horizontally in angular material?

I was expecting a in-built directive or a tag for this but probably not according to their documentation.

This is the example.

<div class="radioButtondemoBasicUsage" ng-app="MyApp"> <form ng-submit="submit()" ng-controller="AppCtrl"> <p>Selected Value: <span class="radioValue">{{ data.group1 }}</span> </p>  <md-radio-group ng-model="data.group1">    <md-radio-button value="Apple" class="md-primary">Apple</md-radio-button>   <md-radio-button value="Banana"> Banana </md-radio-button>   <md-radio-button value="Mango">Mango</md-radio-button>  </md-radio-group> 

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Asqan Avatar asked Jun 29 '15 11:06


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Angular Radio Button The <mat-radio-button> provides the same functionality as a native <input type=”radio”> enhanced with Material Design styling and animations. In the radio button, the user can only select one value at a time; that is why radio-buttons with the same name comprise a set from which the only one may be selected at one time.

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To get input radio elements to horizontally align in React Material UI, we can add the row prop to the RadioGroup component.

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Components such as autocomplete, date picker, slider, menus, grids, toolbars, and radio buttons are generally used using Angular Material. A radio button is a simple input element with a type property set to radio.

2 Answers

You do not need to override any default CSS:

<md-radio-group layout="row">   <md-radio-button value=0 class="md-primary">On</md-radio-button>   <md-radio-button value=1> Off </md-radio-button> </md-radio-group> 

enter image description here

Just put in md-radio-group tag a layout="row" attribute.

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Fábio Palmeira Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 23:10

Fábio Palmeira

Better not override any existing class.

Use the directive ng-style and give value for display parameter.

<md-radio-group ng-model="selvalue">   <md-radio-button value="A" class="md-primary" ng-style="{'display':'inline'}"> Apple</md-radio-button>   <md-radio-button value="R" class="md-primary" ng-style="{'display':'inline'}"> Orange </md-radio-button> </md-radio-group> 
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Shyam Devasia Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Shyam Devasia