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transitionend event fires twice




I have the following code and my problem is that the transitionend event is fired twice. I don't know what's causing this. I suspected the vendor prefixes caused it, but they don't. Even if I only leave transitionend and transition it will still fire twice.


transition: 1s ease-out;


document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    var submarine = document.querySelector('.submarine');
    var submarineX = e.clientX - submarine.offsetWidth / 2;
    var submarineY = e.clientY - submarine.offsetHeight / 2;

    submarine.style.left = submarineX + "px";
    submarine.style.top = submarineY + "px";

document.addEventListener('transitionend', function (event) {
    console.log(event.type + " " + new Date().getTime());


document.addEventListener('transitionend', function (event) {
    console.log(event.type + " " + new Date().getTime());

document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    var submarine = document.querySelector('.submarine');
    var submarineX = e.clientX - submarine.offsetWidth / 2;
    var submarineY = e.clientY - submarine.offsetHeight / 2;

    submarine.style.left = submarineX + "px";
    submarine.style.top = submarineY + "px";
.submarine {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 20px;
    height: 20px;
    background-color: red;
    border-radius: 50%;
    transition: 1s ease-out;
<div class="submarine"></div>
like image 247
Jonathan Avatar asked Sep 08 '13 21:09


3 Answers

transitionend fires for each property transitioned, in your case top and left.

You can access the property associated with the event at event.propertyName.

There's no "transitionsend" event, so you will probably need some hackiness such as filtering the transitionend callback handling for only one of the transitioned properties. E.g.:

function (event) {
    if (event.propertyName == 'top') {
        //put your code here

ps. No browser fires the MSTransitionEnd event. It was at some point in the MS docs, but sometime before the IE10 beta release it was replaced by the standard transitionend event.

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Fabrício Matté Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 21:11

Fabrício Matté

The event fires for each property that has been transitioned.

The propertyName way that Fabricio suggested is the proper way to do this, however if you are using jQuery you can also use one(); as well, like this.

$(document).one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() {
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iConnor Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 21:11


For anyone looking for a simple, one time copy and paste solution (I've only included the necessary css). This doesn't answer the question and it does answer what I was looking for when I landed here.


.my-elem {
    transition: height 0.5s ease-out, opacity 0.5s ease-out;


var elem = document.querySelector(".my-elem");

var transitionCounter = 0;

var transitionProp = window.getComputedStyle(elem , null)["transition-property"] || "";

// We just need to know how many transitions there are
var numTransitionProps = transitionProp.split(",").length;

elem.addEventListener("transitionend", (event) => {
  // You could read event.propertyName to find out which transition was ended, 
  // but it's not necessary if you just want to know when they are all done.
  if (transitionCounter < (numTransitionProps - 1)) {
  } else {
    transitionCounter = 0; // reset
    alert("I'm done!!!"); // do what you need to
}, false);

Tested in IE11, Chrome 48 and Firefox 37.

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T. Junghans Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 20:11

T. Junghans