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New posts in angular2-directives

How to modify input values in directives with model driven / reactive forms

ng2-charts customize data and whole html content of tooltip displayed when hovering on bar chart

@HostListener('change') not working - Angular2 RC1

Angular 2: how to pass attributes to child component?

Dynamically append child from directive

Directive execution order in angular 2

Angular2 with TypeScript: Declaration expected compiler error after @component

How do I extend RouterOutlet when using the new router in RC.1

How to use an EmbeddedViewRef's context variable

Change detection not working when creating a component via ComponentFactoryResolver

ngIf else not working

Get ng-template from component angular 2

Angular Binding to a function on the view results to infinite calls to the data service

Angular2 get values of dynamically created inputs

Angular CDK Drag and Drop: Cancel drag-action

Angular 2 component without selector tag in DOM

*ngFor is not working in angular 2

How [class] [attr] [style] directives work

angular 2: Reload same component again when redirect on the same route

Angular 4: Dynamic template with interpolation