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New posts in angular2-directives

Angular2 - Adding CSS class to selected element

Angular 2 Custom validation unit testing

angular 2+ vertically resize div

Automatic logout in Angular 2 after few minutes

Can't use *ngIF inside *ngFor : angular2 [duplicate]

Assigning Angular structural directives during runtime

Template parse errors when overriding DataTable component of primeNg

Dynamically add classes to host elements using @HostBinding in Angular?

Angular 2 - Input mask: Input box display formatted value, while model retains unformatted value

Make @HostBinding and @HostListener conditional in a Directive or Component for Angular2

Why does simply [myHighlight]="..." work for an attribute directive?

Dynamically bind model and template to at DOM node in Angular 2

In Angular2 ngModel value not updating on onBlur event of custom directive

*ngIf does not react to boolean change

Angular 2 - Apply conditional style to a directive's child HTML element

How to add some html elements using Angular2's attribute directive

ng2: Equivalent of require

Make the ion-select options selected while performing CRUD Operation in Edit Mode

Angular 4 directive to manipulate input text

Angular2 (final version) *ngFor in component: Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'div' [duplicate]