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New posts in angular2-directives

What is the analog of the 'controllerAs' directive's property in Angular 2 component?

Angular 2 and AmCharts

Angular 2 - Directives declared yet still have errors

Angular2 input component Add class on focus

Typewriter effect in Angular 2

Can't bind to 'placeholder' since it isn't a known property of 'ng-multiselect-dropdown'

Get form control from raw element in Angular2

Angular2 passing a function to a directive via attribute

Angular2 - Pass values to a dynamic component created with ComponentFactory

Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property of 'a' [duplicate]

Angular2 testing with Jasmine, mouseenter/mouseleave-test

Child component events broadcast to parent

Angular 2 Component inside bootstrap popover

Angular - Directive's Input not updating when pressing button

Controlling order of directive evaluation in Angular 2

Angular 2 error: Can't bind to 'innerhtml' since it isn't a known native property

Extending routerLink in angular 2?

Google autocompleter place doesn't work in the Child Component in Angular 2

Angular: updateValueAndValidity from directive