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Angular 2 Component inside bootstrap popover

Since angular 2 is not coming with a full rich components, I decided to use bootstrap inside angular 2. I know this is not the best idea as it breaks the virtual dome issue, but I have no other solution. The problem that I am having is that angular 2 component will not render inside the popover html. Anyone have a solution for this?

I am looking at the Renderer class and it seems to be the solution for me, but I can not get it to work. Here is some code:

  • My parent component that hold the popover

    ngAfterViewInit() {
    // viewChild is updated after the view has been initialized
        var elements = jQuery(this.elementRef.nativeElement).find('[data-toggle="popover"]');
        jQuery.each(elements, jQuery.proxy(function(index, element){
                var eventId = jQuery(element).prop('id');
                jQuery(element).popover({ html : true,
                                                    placement: 'top',
                                                    container: 'body',
                                                    content: this.getEventContent(eventId) }); 
        }, this));     
        var selectedEvent = this.getEvent(eventId);
        var button = jQuery('<button type="button" class="btn register"></button>');
        var angularViewHolder= jQuery('<div></div>');
        this.renderer.createElement(angularViewHolder[0], 'event-view')
        button.attr('id', eventId);
        return selectedEvent.description + '<br />' + 
            button[0].outerHTML + angularViewHolder[0].outerHTML;  

My event-view component that I need to render in the popover

import {Component, View} from 'angular2/core';
    selector: 'event-view',
    template: '<div>Application details for application id: <h1>{{id}}</h1> will be loaded here!</div>',
    inputs: ['id']

export class EventView {
    id: string;
    constructor() {


I think my solution will be at Renderer.renderComponent but I am not sure how can I user it.

like image 823
Mohy Eldeen Avatar asked Feb 20 '16 21:02

Mohy Eldeen

1 Answers

You could just simply

initialize a normal bootstrap popover like this

let popOver = $('[rel="popover"]');

    container: 'body',
    html: true,
    content: function () {
        return $('#myContent').removeClass('hide');
}).click(function(e) {

popOver.on('show.bs.popover', (event) => {
    this.popover_initialized = true;

popOver.on('hide.bs.popover', (event) => {


then you just define a function to be called on the element that activates the popover



So, the first time bootstrap initializes a normal popover, but we prevent the default of destroying the html content when it hides, then you simply add a 'hide' class to it, and then when you whant to activate it again you just simply remove that class, this works for angular directives, bindings, etc

like image 151
Leonel Franchelli Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 01:11

Leonel Franchelli