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Angular 2 RC.5 Shared Module can't find pipes

angular angular-module

How to write a reusable component/module?

Angular dependency injection, services lifetime

Angular exported component from module not useable in another module

Circular dependency detected in Angular 7

Is it possible to share angular component across multiple projects?

Angular Library Modules export components, services and others from module

Angular 4 Lazy Loading and Routes not working

Angular Library Module generate a component from workspace

What is the calling order of angularjs functions (config/run/controller)? [duplicate]

NullInjectorError: No provider for ElementRef

Exporting enums in Angular modules

Lazy loading and providers strategy

Why use router-outlet to access component of other module doesn't need add to export

Custom RouteReuseStrategy for Angular's child module

How should I include model classes in an Angular module?

Why do i need *public-api.ts* and also *exports*

How to reuse all imports in Angular test files