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Circular dependency detected in Angular 7

I have the following app structure in my Angular 7 app:


and I want to have DashboardService available only in the DashboardModule, so I followed this link providedin-and-ngmodules.

Here's my DashboardService:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { DashboardModule } from './dashboard.module';

  providedIn: DashboardModule
export class DashboardService {

I have used that service in DashboardChild1 component, but it is giving the following error:

WARNING in Circular dependency detected: src/app/dashboard/dashboard-child1/dashboard-child1.component.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.service.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-routing.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-child1/dashboard-child1.component.ts

WARNING in Circular dependency detected: src/app/dashboard/dashboard-routing.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-child1/dashboard-child1.component.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.service.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-routing.module.ts

WARNING in Circular dependency detected: src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-routing.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-child1/dashboard-child1.component.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.service.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts

WARNING in Circular dependency detected: src/app/dashboard/dashboard.service.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-routing.module.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard-child1/dashboard-child1.component.ts -> src/app/dashboard/dashboard.service.ts

what am I missing here?

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Pritam Bohra Avatar asked Jan 06 '19 23:01

Pritam Bohra

People also ask

How do I fix warning in circular dependency detected?

In some scenarios, we can duplicate the required code and solve circular dependency. Or we can create a new service and move that code to that new service to avoid circular dependency.

What is circular dependency in angular?

A cyclic dependency exists when a dependency of a service directly or indirectly depends on the service itself. For example, if UserService depends on EmployeeService , which also depends on UserService . Angular will have to instantiate EmployeeService to create UserService , which depends on UserService , itself.

How would you fix a cyclic dependency?

A cyclic dependency is an indication of a design or modeling problem in your software. Although you can construct your object graph by using property injection, you will ignore the root cause and add another problem: property injection causes Temporal Coupling. Instead, the solution is to look at the design closely.

1 Answers

This is most likely to happen since

DashboardChild1 is a member of DashboardModule and DashboardChild1 trying to access DashboardModule by injectible. The result is Cirular Dependency.

DashboardModule calls DashboardChild1 
DashboardChild1 calls DashboardModule
DashboardModule class DashboardChild1
DashboardChild1 calls DashboardModule

the same is also valid for DashboardService

DashboardModule calls DashboardChild1 calls DashboardService
DashboardService calls DashboardModule
DashboardModule calls DashboardChild1 calls DashboardService
DashboardService calls DashboardModule
like image 195
Derviş Kayımbaşıoğlu Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09

Derviş Kayımbaşıoğlu