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How to add a checkbox in a Material Design table in Angular 4

Using Angular Material2 with Bootstrap4 css for grid layouts

Error while using md-input-container

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Angular Material Grid Layout

Angular Material validation without reactive forms

angular angular-material2

Angular Material Mat-Stepper: How to use the same formgroup for multiple steps?

Tree: How to keep opened states when tree updated

angular angular-material2

how to add a secondary action in mat-list-option (mat-selection-list) item

Angular Material - Filter Table by multiple filters and multiple filter values at the same time

Close md-dialog inside it's component.ts

How can I project content to mat-table column

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How to change height of Mat-Card element in angular material design component

How do I use a theme color from Angular Material prebuilt themes

angular angular-material2

Angular2 Material Design alpha.9-3 has '404 not found' for @angular/material

Angular Material 2: Fix for Multiline Error messages

Center text in angular snackbar

Text-overflow on <mat-table> using display-flex Angular

Problem mat-form-field outline background-color on hover

angular2 MdDialog is not appearing as a popup

angular angular-material2

set md-paginator values dynamically