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Tree: How to keep opened states when tree updated

I need to keep tree nodes open/closed stated when i set new data to this.dataSource.data. New data is very same with old - it just have one or several lowest-level nodes added/removed.

My idea is to record node expansion to ReplaySubject and replay expansion queue. It should work but it's very ugly way.

I hope that here are have much more elegant way to solve my problem.

like image 484
vadjs Avatar asked Nov 13 '18 11:11


2 Answers

I have a hierarchical structure of data objects to display in a material tree. Each data object gets transformed into a TreeNodeModel containing the ID and the ParentID of the original data object. In the method that updates the data source the node's expanded state is saved/restored:

// Method that updates the data source
public updateDataSource(dataObjects: SomeDataObject) {
  // save node's expanded state
  const expandedNodesIds: string[] = [];
  if (this.treeControl.dataNodes) {
    this.treeControl.dataNodes.forEach((node: TreeNodeModel) => {
      if (this.treeControl.isExpandable(node) && this.treeControl.isExpanded(node)) {
  // update data source
  this.treeDataSource.data = dataObjects;
  // restore node's expanded state
    .filter(node => this.isActive(node) || expandedNodesIds.find(id => id === node.id))
    .forEach(nodeToExpand => {
// Method that expands the node (if not a leave) and its parent nodes (if any) using the TreeControl
private expandNode(treeNode: TreeNodeModel | undefined): void {
  if (!treeNode) {
  if (this.treeControl.isExpandable(treeNode)) {
  const parentId = treeNode.parentId ? treeNode.parentId : undefined;
  this.expandNode(this.treeControl.dataNodes.find(node => node.id === parentId));

interface TreeNodeModel {
  expandable: boolean;
  level: number;
  id: string;
  parentId: string;
  // most probably some more custom data ;)
like image 99
Tho.Tra Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


I added a boolean 'expanded' to my datamodel. I then use a function on (click) which inverts this, and a recursive loop to save that change to the actual data that is used for dataSource.data. So in reality I am not using the treecontrol anymore, even though I have still need it (the tree does not work without).

    <button mat-icon-button
    [attr.aria-label]="'toggle ' + node.name"
    (click)="changeState(node, myJson)"
      <mat-icon class="mat-icon-rtl-mirror">
        {{node.expanded ? 'expand_more' : 'chevron_right'}}


  /** Changes expanded state for clicked tree-item, saves change to json data used by tree datasource */
  changeState(node, myJson) {
    node.expanded = !node.expanded;

    if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) {
      this.found = false;
      myJson.forEach(child => {
        if (!this.found) {
        this.saveStates(child, node);

  /** recursive loop-function used by this.changeState() to save tree-items expanded-state to the master array */
  saveStates(child, clickedChild) {
    if (child.id === clickedChild.id) {
      child.expanded = clickedChild.expanded;
      this.found = true;
    } else if (child.children && child.children.length > 0) {
      child.children.forEach(c => {
        this.saveStates(c, clickedGroup);

-- And the standard functions from the tree-example I changed like this to work with my data:

  // checks if datasource for material tree has any children
  hasNestedChild = (_: number, nodeData: MyModel) => nodeData.children.length > 0;

  // returns children
  private _getChildren = (node: MyModel) => node.children;
like image 22
Lars Rødal Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Lars Rødal