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Angular Material 2: Fix for Multiline Error messages

I'm using angular material 2 inside my angular application. I'm experiencing a problem when my form input field error messages are more than one line. Here is the photo:


Here is the code:

<md-error *ngIf="password.touched && password.invalid">
          <span *ngIf="password.errors.required">
                {{'PASSWORD_RECOVERY.FIELD_REQUIRED' | translate}}
          <span *ngIf="password.errors.minlength || password.errors.maxlength">
                {{'PASSWORD_RECOVERY.PASSWORD_LENGTH' | translate}}
          <span *ngIf="password.errors.pattern">
                {{'PASSWORD_RECOVERY.FOR_A_SECURE_PASSWORD' | translate}}

I've understood by reading github, that it is a bug in angular 2 material. Did anybody manage to solve this issue by doing a custom workaround?

like image 929
Deniss M. Avatar asked Sep 09 '17 12:09

Deniss M.

1 Answers

The problem is that the element with class .mat-form-field-subscript-wrapper is position: absolute, so it's not occupying real space.

As suggested on this issue on github by xumepadismal, you can add this scss as workaround that solved my problem:

// Workaround for https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/4580.
mat-form-field .mat-form-field {
  &-underline {
    position: relative;
    bottom: auto;
  &-subscript-wrapper {
    position: static;

It transforms the .mat-form-field-subscript-wrapper node in a static div, and repositionate the .mat-form-field-unterline just after the input field.

like image 58
mattia.corci Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 08:10
