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New posts in angular-library

Angular Module vs. Library

Is it safe to set the tsconfig target to es6 if you don't care about old browsers?

How can I localize my Angular 11 library?

Custom Angular library with ngx-translate

Using React Component in Angular 2

Web Worker in Angular Library

BrowserslistError: Unknown version 67 of android

Angular 6 display components of a lazy loaded module

Angular call function inside forRoot method

angular-cli library create secondary entry point

Angular: Creating plugins for 3rd party packages (libraries)

Add Angular Material to a custom library

How does one go about creating an Angular library wrapper for an existing Javascript library?

Error encountered in metadata generated for exported symbol when constructing an angular 6 library

What is the proper way to use a dependent npm package in angular 6 library project?

angular6 angular-library

Include assets when building angular library

'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files

angular 9 library publish error "Trying to publish a package that has been compiled by Ivy"

How to add global style to angular 6/7 library

This class is visible to consumers via SomeModule -> SomeComponent, but is not exported from the top-level library entrypoint