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Yarn workspace isolation

`npm install` from sub directory of a Git repository

How can I locally develop Angular 7 libraries that depend on each other? (npm link issues)

Angular 6 library pipe

Angular html file not found in component library

NullInjectorError: No provider for ElementRef

Using NgRx (with ngrx-actions library) within an Angular 6 library

Angular 6 Library - Could not resolve entry

Angular 2: Load different versions of the libraries based on the data

Importing a publishable library into another library Fails Angular

Angular 6 / declare path for library in tsconfig.lib.json

Can I have angular library that emits Angular elements in single js file?

How to share angular library without NPM

angular angular-library

How to export models from libraries in Angular?

angular angular-library

Angular Library Route Module does not work when imported in application

Angular Elements vs Angular Library?

Why do i need *public-api.ts* and also *exports*