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New posts in android-x86

Android NDK returns an error "undefined reference to 'rand'"

How to emulate gps location in Android-x86 simulator(VirtualBox)?

android maps android-x86

Unable to install some apps from Google Play on customized AOSP: Item is not available. Reason: 9

Use C2DM in Android-x86

How do I enable Bluetooth for Androidx86 8.1rc2 VM in Virtual Box running on Ubuntu 18

why most of games from google market do not execute on android x86? [closed]

android android-x86

Pixel launcher keeps stopping, after updating SDK

Use proxy in Visual Studio Emulator for Android

Does Android support log2

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"Could not find com.google.jimfs:jimfs:1.1" upgrading RN project to AndroidX

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No Audio in Android-x86

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Does Android X86 in virtual machine represent a real alternative to Android Emulator?

Android emulator upside down in Eclipse Juno

NDK: how to build a lib, so that app can work on arm(s), x86, etc.?

Package xyz has mismatched uid: 10044 on disk, 10045 in settings

How to start GUI from command line in Android-x86

android android-x86