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New posts in android-video-player

How do use a MediaPlayer to a SurfaceView in a Fragment

Video in Android : change visual properties (e.g. saturation, brightness)

Video Frame by Frame seeking

In Android MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT not working in 6.0 and uper version device

How to play 360 mp4 vids?

Android's MediaPlayer setSurface while on paused state

How to create streaming video player for large content?

Save rtsp stream in android?

VideoView & Fullscreen & Orientation changes - Android

how to get video thumb nail from raw folder video on android

Android Media Player Error (100,0)

Android:video as splash screen


How to read length of video recorded with MediaRecorder into private app storage directory constructed via context.getFilesDir()?

How to remove the black screen that apper before playing the mp4 Video?

get video duration from URL in android app

How to capture/record clip from Video URL in Android and save to phone

Check if android device support 4K video?

What are the file formats that Android VideoPlayer support?