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Video Frame by Frame seeking

Is there a way to step through a video file frame by frame? I've tried using a VideoView and I've had minor success. I can get the video the step through key frames but not individual frames. I figured this would be the default settings, especially with the way video compression works. Is there a way to override this default behavior or a configuration I can change?

like image 512
Spidy Avatar asked Aug 17 '11 20:08


People also ask

How do I play a video frame by frame on my Iphone?

To step through video frame by frame: In the Project browser or the Event browser, move your pointer over a filmstrip without clicking. Press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key to move backward or forward in the clip in one-frame increments.

Can you go frame by frame in Windows movies and TV?

While this feature was available in windows media player it is not available in movies and TV.

1 Answers

The default behaviour in stagefright media framework is always to seek to key frame. (As opposed to the earlier framework's - opencore whose default seeking behaviour was to seek to time.)

You cannot do frame by frame seeking by using the MediaPlayer API's provided by Android.

If you really want implement frame by frame seeking then you will have to use a 3rd party multimedia framework like FFMPEG or you will need to implement your own.

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bluefalcon Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
