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New posts in android-tools-namespace

Tools namespace android listitem

tools:text for RecyclerView items

How to use androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView with tools:listitem?

Android: How to use tools with include layout

Android XML Is there a way to use the tool namespace with custom attributes?

What's the purpose of tools:openDrawer="start" when creating a DrawerLayout (with NavigationView) from the wizard?

What is the meaning of xmlns:tools in Android XML layout?

Tools namespace attribute for showing layout in ViewPager in design time

What is tools:mockup, tools:mockup_crop and tools:mockup_opacity

How to specify list item count in preview of recyclerview in Android Studio?

What is the 'app' Android XML namespace?

Preview layout with merge root tag in Intellij IDEA/Android Studio

Is there a way to show a preview of a RecyclerView's contents in the Android Studio editor?

What's "tools:context" in Android layout files?