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What is tools:mockup, tools:mockup_crop and tools:mockup_opacity

I just updated Android Studio to the version 2.3 (canary version) and to the last build tools 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.0-alpha1' and when I open a layout and write tools: and press ctrl + space to autocomplete it I found new tools namespaces :


I never see them before and search in google but I have found nothing. What are the use of them?

like image 627
Aracem Avatar asked Nov 14 '16 13:11


1 Answers

It's for a feature we're working on but which isn't part of Studio yet. This part was accidentally not put behind a flag (which normally removes it during compilation.) We just fixed it; next canary won't show these items -- until the feature is enabled when it's done.

like image 103
Tor Norbye Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 04:11

Tor Norbye