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New posts in android-resources

Efficient way of creating Bitmap out of Drawable from res (BitmapFactory vs Type Casting)

Different IDs are generated for the same resource in R classes

Scan for unused resources in Android Studio 3.0

Font resources for different Languages

Android Arabic Language Support Problem in Some Devices

Incorrect value of app module dimen/color when using in dynamic-delivery module

Import android project in Intellij IDEA/use shared resources

Can not create a folder 'res/transition' after updating SDK to Kitkat 4.4.2

Test resources folder with Robolectric and Gradle

No image extension when sharing using an intent?

Android get system locale different approaches

Is it possible to make color resources private in android?

How to dynamically load R.styleable resource?

Store static data in Android - custom resource?

Ambiguous reference intellisense error from Resource.Designer.cs

Disable Android resource / image / PNG optimization