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New posts in android-resources

xxhdpi density added in API 16, what in <16 if I provide only xxhdpi resources?

Android Studio: How can I see which resources are not used?

android.R.id.home can not find symbol

android android-resources

Set height of Toolbar half of attr/actionBarSize in xml

Programatically create a resource id for a view

Best practice for text size dimen declarations

android android-resources

Cannot convert string '@bool/some_key' to target class 'boolean'

Library to encryption and decryption resources

How to include 2 variants of Serbian Language? with Latin letters and with Cyrillic letters

android android-resources

Does android reuse images loaded from resource?

Android App crashes after being idle for a long time

In Android, is there a reason to use string resources for strings that are not going to be translated?

What is the range of R.id (min and max integer value) of any view

Localization of apk strings in both english UK and english US?

Android: Provide a resource if width is smaller than specific DP

android android-resources

Get View ids in a for loop programatically?

Android standard for image assets

Reference resources from other module in Android Studio

Trying to use <!ENTITY in ANDROID resources with error: "The entity was referenced, but not declared."

TypedValue Converting to String

android android-resources