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New posts in android-mvvm

Should we create a separate repository for each Activity or single repository for entire app

android LiveData Observable doesn't return data if calls are made quickly

Make certain part of text bold using DataBinding

Handle Toolbar back button with Navigation component

Android: MVVM is it possible to display a message (toast/snackbar etc.) from the ViewModel

Android Databinding onLongClick not working

Is it Fine to use ViewModel without Live Data

Saving activity's state with onSaveInstanceState() and ViewModel

Why Observers added as observeForever to LiveData must be removed?

Learn Android MVVM architecture components with kotlin

What are the differences between ViewModelProvider.Factory and ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory?

Android MVVM - How to make LiveData emits the data it has (forcing to trigger the observer)

Android unit testing view model that receives flow

Unable to get provider androidx.lifecycle.ProcessLifecycleOwnerInitializr

Cannot resolve ViewModelProvider construction in a fragment?

How to access SharedPreferences in a ViewModel?

Using LiveData with Data Binding