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New posts in android-navigation-graph

Navigation drawer with Navigation graph is not working

passing ArrayList as argument in safeArgs

Android Navigation Component Activity Intent Flags

Deep linking from Notification - how to pass data back up through the backstack?

Why does args classes not generating for navigation graph fragments?

Views added to a FragmentContainerView must be associated with a Fragment

Fragments not added to backstack using Navigation Components

Is it possible to pass Parcelable object via Navigation component deeplink?

Defining a NavHostFragment inside another fragment

Why onViewCreated is called twice in android app using navigation components

exception: View does not have a navController set

NavigationComponent navigation within a BottomSheetDialogFragment

Accessing graph-scoped ViewModel of child NavHostFragment using by navGraphViewModels

Handle Toolbar back button with Navigation component

Why Android Navigation Component screen not go back to previous Fragment,but a method in onViewCreated of previos Fragment being called?

Pass arguments safely to nested graph with Navigation Component

Android Navigation Instrumentation test throws Method addObserver must be called on the main thread

Navigation Component prevent to recreate fragment on back press