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Why Android Navigation Component screen not go back to previous Fragment,but a method in onViewCreated of previos Fragment being called?

I have 2 fragment call CreateRoomFragment and DisplayPhotoFragment,the navigation graph is look like this:

    android:label="Create a room"
        app:destination="@id/roomFragment" />
        app:destination="@id/displayPhotoFragment" />

    tools:layout="@layout/fragment_display_photo" >
    <argument android:name="bitmap"

So when I wanna to move from CreateRoomFragment to DisplayPhotoFragment,I use the do as below:

NavDirections action = CreateRoomFragmentDirections.actionCreateRoomFragmentToDisplayPhotoFragment(selectedPhoto);

Doing this,I can navigate to DisplayPhotoFragment.

But when I press back button of the device and also the Back arrow from the toolbar,it cant go back to CreateRoomFragment.

I tried this,but still unable to back to previous fragment:

                new OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
                    public void handleOnBackPressed() {

                       navController.navigateUp();  //I tried this 
                       navController.popBackStack(R.id.createRoomFragment,false); //and also this

Main Problem now:

By using the code above,the screen didnt go back to previous Fragment(CreateRoomFragment).It still stuck in DisplayPhotoFragment,but at the same time,an API method in CreateRoomFragment onViewCreated section is being called.

What causing this? and how can I solve this problem?

like image 238
ken Avatar asked Jan 31 '20 11:01


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How do I get rid of current fragment navigation component? You add to the back state from the FragmentTransaction and remove from the backstack using FragmentManager pop methods: FragmentManager manager = getActivity(). getSupportFragmentManager();

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If you want to go back from Activity to Fragment. This is very simple just override onBackPressed() in your activity and call onBackPressed where you want.

1 Answers

I had the same problem. For me the issue was that I was using a LiveData boolean to decide when to go to the next fragment. When I then navigated back/up the boolean was still true so it would automatically navigate forward again.

like image 85
Myk Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
