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Error while trying to test AnimatedVectorDrawable, "Can't morph from x to z"

I wanted to make an AnimatedVectorDrawable, so that my FAB can look atleast somewhat as fabulous as this one, with animations and stuff.

I found this great tutorial, on how to use & implement them etc, and later on I found a very usefull tool for converting SVG's into Android-VectorDrawables, and converted these two images: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/content/svg/design/ic_add_48px.svg https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/action/svg/design/ic_done_48px.svg

Now this is the xml-"code" that I've come up with:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

            android:pathData="M0 0h48v48h-48Z" />
            android:pathData="M38 26h-12v12h-4v-12h-12v-4h12v-12h4v12h12v7Z" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        android:valueFrom="M38 26h-12v12h-4v-12h-12v-4h12v-12h4v12h12v7Z"
        android:valueTo="M18 32.34l-8.34-8.34-2.83 2.83 11.17 11.17 24-24-2.83-2.83Z"
        android:valueType="pathType" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<animated-vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        android:animation="@anim/anim_plus_to_done" />


If I run this code, I just end up with this error:

Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #3 Can't morph from M38 26h-12v12h-4v-12h-12v-4h12v-12h4v12h12v4Z to M18 32.34l-8.34-8.34-2.83 2.83 11.17 11.17 24-24-2.83-2.83Z
        at android.animation.AnimatorInflater.setupAnimatorForPath(AnimatorInflater.java:337)
        at android.animation.AnimatorInflater.parseAnimatorFromTypeArray(AnimatorInflater.java:283)
        at android.animation.AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(AnimatorInflater.java:618)
        at android.animation.AnimatorInflater.loadObjectAnimator(AnimatorInflater.java:577)
        at android.animation.AnimatorInflater.createAnimatorFromXml(AnimatorInflater.java:529)
        at android.animation.AnimatorInflater.createAnimatorFromXml(AnimatorInflater.java:542

My guess would be that the two path's in the two svg's are too different, so Android cannot handle the animation on it's own, and I need to make like several VectorDrawables for each animation "checkpoint".

...I'm probably completly way off with that theory, but it's the most logical I can come up with..

I do not have much experience (nor any experince at all for that matter) working with Vectors & Illustrator etc, so any help you guys can come up with will be extremely appreciated.

Have a nice day, and Merry Christmas.

Sincerely, Måns.

like image 574
GuiceU Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 19:12


1 Answers

If you want to morph between arbitrary SVG images (or VectorDrawable) you need to align the corresponding paths in order to make them compatible for morphing. This is a very tedious task, but there's a command line tool that can do that for you: VectAling

You just need to run the VectAlign tool from the command line passing your original paths and it will automatically create "morphable" sequences.

Example of usage:

java -jar  vectalign.jar --start "M 10,20..." --end "M 30,30..."


# new START sequence:  
M 48.0,54.0 L 31.0,42.0 L 15.0,54.0 L 21.0,35.0 L 6.0,23.0 L 25.0,23.0 L 25.0,23.0 L 25.0,23.0 L 25.0,23.0 L 32.0,4.0 L 40.0,23.0 L 58.0,23.0 L 42.0,35.0 L 48.0,54.0 

# new END sequence:  
M 48.0,54.0 L 48.0,54.0 L 48.0,54.0 L 48.0,54.0 L 31.0,54.0 L 15.0,54.0 L 10.0,35.0 L 6.0,23.0 L 25.0,10.0 L 32.0,4.0 L 40.0,10.0 L 58.0,23.0 L 54.0,35.0 L 48.0,54.0 

Now you can use these new sequences in your Android project and morph between them as usual using an AnimatedVectorDrawable!

You can also pass SVG files:

java -jar  vectalign.jar --start image1.svg --end image2.svg

This is one of the samples from the VectAlign demo:

enter image description here

like image 136
bonnyz Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09
