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Is it Fine to use ViewModel without Live Data

I am using LiveData in AndroidViewModel class where i need to wait for the response, but there are some cases where i need to check some value from local shared preference, which won't block any thread.

For these scenarios i am not using LiveData. This is what i am doing in my activity class.

 homeViewModel.sendTokenToServer().observe(this, isFCMSendToServer -> {
        Toast.makeText(this, "FCM Token Observer called", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

//Without Live Data


I want to know if the above approach is fine, or we have to use LiveData or some other observers for each method in ViewModel

like image 997
dev90 Avatar asked May 23 '18 08:05


People also ask

Can we use LiveData without ViewModel?

No, It is not mandatory to use LiveData always inside ViewModel, it is just an observable pattern to inform the caller about updates in data.

What is the purpose of initializing and storing live data in the ViewModel instead of a UI controller?

Why should you initialize and store LiveData in your ViewModel instead of a UI Controller? Both the ViewModel and LiveData are lifecycle aware. To ensure that the LiveData isn't destroyed when the UI Controller is destroyed. To hide or separate implementation details making your app more flexible.

Does ViewModel hold data?

The ViewModel stores the app related data that isn't destroyed when activity or fragment is destroyed and recreated by the Android framework.

Why do we need LiveData?

LiveData notifies Observer objects when underlying data changes. You can consolidate your code to update the UI in these Observer objects. That way, you don't need to update the UI every time the app data changes because the observer does it for you. No memory leaks.

What is the difference between livedata and ViewModel?

The LiveData class, on the other hand, allows for an emitter-observer pattern: elements of the view can subscribe to data in the ViewModel and be notified whenever that data changes. Let’s take a closer look at each of these 2 classes.

Does a ViewModel have to load its data?

This part is clear and does not result in too many discussions, however the ViewModel has to load, subscribe or trigger the load of its data at some point. The question remains as to when this should be done.

Is it possible to provide parameters to a ViewModel?

Possibility to provide parameters. ViewModel very often needs to accept parameters to load its data. This is widely used concept and is promoted even in Google Blueprints example, but has significant problems. The method needs to be called from somewhere and this typically ends up in some lifecycle method of Activity or Fragment.

What are the benefits of using a ViewModel?

The main benefit of the ViewModel is that it is created the first time and if the Activity, Fragment or any other LifecycleOwner is destroyed or recreated by the system, the next time it starts it will receive the same ViewModel created before. It works like a Loader (AsyncTaskLoader and CursorLoader)

1 Answers

AFAIK ViewModel and LiveData are not tightly connected. Therefore you are not obliged to use any observers. For example in this sample app, the ViewModel is used to preserve some numbers through orientation change. Therefore ViewModel serves as a container (something like a headless fragment) where you can store data to be retained through orientation change.

like image 182
Suleyman Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10
