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New posts in android-mvvm

LiveData Object keeps being null after getValue() is called

Best approach to start an Activity from ViewModel in MVVM Architecture

Android Architecture Components(MVVM) - Ideal way to deal with remote and local data using repository pattern

Why is unit testing harder in MVC than in MVP and MVVM

Use the same instance of view model in multiple fragments using dagger2

When to use executePendingBindings() and when its not required?

MVVM Dagger2 A Binding With Matching Key Exists in Component

How to use data from one ViewModel in another ViewModel

Questions about the responsbilities of each component in Android Architecture Components

Using SharedPreferences or File on MVVM

Where to put business logic when working with mvvm

How to request or remove the focus on edittext using data binding

How to handle onClick or onTouch like events in ViewModel with data binding in MVVM Android

Google SignInButton's onClick doesn't work using DataBinding

LiveData Paged List size is always 0

MVVM with Retrofit - How to deal with a lot of LiveData in Repository?

How to set click listener and pass edittext fields value to view model using data binding

LiveData observer is being triggered multiple times using Navigation Component

How to check permission is granted in ViewModel?

Get java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to call observer method from binding implementation method