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New posts in android-jetpack

Remove up button from action bar when navigating using BottomNavigationView with Android Navigation UI library

Android navigation component with shared view models

Can I record video with CameraX (Android Jetpack)?

Bottom Nav Bar overlaps screen content in Jetpack Compose

How to get lifecycle.coroutineScope with new androidx.lifecycle:*:2.2.0-alpha01

How to do latest jetpack "View binding" in adapter, bind the views?

Navigation Component, Control when to show hamburger or back icon

Pass data back to previous fragment using Android Navigation

What is the difference between "remember" and "mutableState" in android jetpack compose?

Navigation Architecture Component - Detail View with CollapsingToolbar

Android Jetpack Compose Icons doesn't contain some of the material icons

Android Jetpack Navigation with ViewPager and TabLayout

What is the use of androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4: dependency

Android MVVM ViewModel and Repositories for each entity?

How to pass object of type Parcelable to a Fragment using Navigation type safeargs plugin

Proguard causing runtime exception with Android Navigation Component

how to instantiate ViewModel In AndroidX?

How do I define default animations for Navigation Actions?

Android Work Manager vs Services?

Navigation popUpTo and PopUpToInclusive aren't clearing the backstack