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New posts in android-jetpack

Android Jetpack compose gradient

Jetpack Compose take screenshot of composable function?

PagedListAdapter jumps to beginning of the list on receiving new PagedList

How to make BaseFragment with View Binding

How to use string resources in Android Jetpack Compose?

Navigating to preference fragment using navigation component

Jetpack navigation: Title and back/up arrow in the action bar?

How to convert Dp to pixels in Android Jetpack Compose?

Disable adding fragment to backstack in Navigation Architecture Component

Is it possible to send arguments other than string or integer in android's new navigation component

Jetpack compoes lazycolumn skipping frames (lagging)

How to implement Dagger for worker classes?

How to write tests for Android Navigation Controller

How to schedule notifications using WorkManager?

Testing LiveData Transformations?

Android Databinding DatabindingUtil vs binding class

how to setup different toolbar using navigation controller component?

android:autoSizeTextType in Jetpack Compose

Android WorkManager api for running daily task in Background

How to disable ripple effect when clicking in Jetpack Compose