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How do I define default animations for Navigation Actions?

I'm using Android Studio 3.2 Canary 14 and The Navigation Architecture Component. With this you can define transition animations pretty much as you would when using Intents.

But the animations are set as properties of the actions in the navigation graph, like so:

    tools:layout="@layout/fragment_start_screen" >

This gets tedious to define for all actions in the graph!

Is there a way to define a set of animations as default, on actions?

I've had no luck using styles for this.

like image 547
Smedegaard Avatar asked May 23 '18 07:05


People also ask

Is there a need for transitions in navigation?

They help users orient themselves by expressing your app's hierarchy, using movement... Navigation transitions use motion to guide users between two screens in your app. They help users orient themselves by expressing your app's hierarchy, using movement to indicate how elements are related to one another.

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How do you animate a fragment?

To animate the transition between fragments, or to animate the process of showing or hiding a fragment you use the Fragment Manager to create a Fragment Transaction . Within each Fragment Transaction you can specify in and out animations that will be used for show and hide respectively (or both when replace is used).

What is popEnterAnim?

The enterAnim and exitAnim is applied when navigating to or from the destination the "regular way", while popEnterAnim is applied to the destination when it is shown as a result of the destination "above" it being popped from the backstack.

4 Answers

R.anim has the default animations defined (as final):

  • nav_default_enter_anim

  • nav_default_exit_anim

  • nav_default_pop_enter_anim

  • nav_default_pop_exit_anim

in order to change this behavior, you would have to use custom NavOptions,

because this is where those animation are being assigned to a NavAction.

one can assign these with the NavOptions.Builder:

protected NavOptions getNavOptions() {

    NavOptions navOptions = new NavOptions.Builder()

    return navOptions;

most likely one would need to create a DefaultNavFragment, which extends class androidx.navigation.fragment (the documentation there does not seem completed yet).

So you can pass these NavOptions to the NavHostFragment like this:

NavHostFragment.findNavController(this).navigate(R.id.your_action_id, null, getNavOptions());

alternatively... when looking at the attrs.xml of that package; these animations are style-able:

    <declare-styleable name="NavAction">
        <attr name="enterAnim" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="exitAnim" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="popEnterAnim" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="popExitAnim" format="reference"/>

this means, one can define the according styles - and define these, as part of the theme...

one can define them in styles.xml:

<style name="Theme.Default" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">

    <!-- these should be the correct ones -->
    <item name="NavAction_enterAnim">@anim/default_enter_anim</item>
    <item name="NavAction_exitAnim">@anim/default_exit_anim</item>
    <item name="NavAction_popEnterAnim">@anim/default_pop_enter_anim</item>
    <item name="NavAction_popExitAnim">@anim/default_pop_exit_anim</item>


One can also define the default animations in res/anim:

  • res/anim/nav_default_enter_anim.xml
  • res/anim/nav_default_exit_anim.xml
  • res/anim/nav_default_pop_enter_anim.xml
  • res/anim/nav_default_pop_exit_anim.xml
like image 58
Martin Zeitler Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Martin Zeitler

I found solution that requires extending NavHostFragment. It's similar to Link182 but less involved in code. Most often it will require to change all xml defaultNavHost fragments names from standard:




Code for NavHostFragmentWithDefaultAnimations:

package your.app.package.fragments

import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager
import androidx.navigation.*
import androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator
import androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment
import your.app.package.R

// Those are navigation-ui (androidx.navigation.ui) defaults
// used in NavigationUI for NavigationView and BottomNavigationView.
// Set yours here
private val defaultNavOptions = navOptions {
    anim {
        enter = R.animator.nav_default_enter_anim
        exit = R.animator.nav_default_exit_anim
        popEnter = R.animator.nav_default_pop_enter_anim
        popExit = R.animator.nav_default_pop_exit_anim

private val emptyNavOptions = navOptions {}

class NavHostFragmentWithDefaultAnimations : NavHostFragment() {

    override fun onCreateNavController(navController: NavController) {
            // this replaces FragmentNavigator
            FragmentNavigatorWithDefaultAnimations(requireContext(), childFragmentManager, id)


 * Needs to replace FragmentNavigator and replacing is done with name in annotation.
 * Navigation method will use defaults for fragments transitions animations.
class FragmentNavigatorWithDefaultAnimations(
    context: Context,
    manager: FragmentManager,
    containerId: Int
) : FragmentNavigator(context, manager, containerId) {

    override fun navigate(
        destination: Destination,
        args: Bundle?,
        navOptions: NavOptions?,
        navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
    ): NavDestination? {
        // this will try to fill in empty animations with defaults when no shared element transitions are set
        // https://developer.android.com/guide/navigation/navigation-animate-transitions#shared-element
        val shouldUseTransitionsInstead = navigatorExtras != null
        val navOptions = if (shouldUseTransitionsInstead) navOptions
        else navOptions.fillEmptyAnimationsWithDefaults()
        return super.navigate(destination, args, navOptions, navigatorExtras)

    private fun NavOptions?.fillEmptyAnimationsWithDefaults(): NavOptions =
        this?.copyNavOptionsWithDefaultAnimations() ?: defaultNavOptions

    private fun NavOptions.copyNavOptionsWithDefaultAnimations(): NavOptions =
        let { originalNavOptions ->
            navOptions {
                launchSingleTop = originalNavOptions.shouldLaunchSingleTop()
                popUpTo(originalNavOptions.popUpTo) {
                    inclusive = originalNavOptions.isPopUpToInclusive
                anim {
                    enter =
                        if (originalNavOptions.enterAnim == emptyNavOptions.enterAnim) defaultNavOptions.enterAnim
                        else originalNavOptions.enterAnim
                    exit =
                        if (originalNavOptions.exitAnim == emptyNavOptions.exitAnim) defaultNavOptions.exitAnim
                        else originalNavOptions.exitAnim
                    popEnter =
                        if (originalNavOptions.popEnterAnim == emptyNavOptions.popEnterAnim) defaultNavOptions.popEnterAnim
                        else originalNavOptions.popEnterAnim
                    popExit =
                        if (originalNavOptions.popExitAnim == emptyNavOptions.popExitAnim) defaultNavOptions.popExitAnim
                        else originalNavOptions.popExitAnim


You can change animations in nav graph xml or in code through passing navOptions. To disable default animations pass navOptions with anim values of 0 or pass navigatorExtras (setting shared transitions).

Tested for version:

implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.3.1"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.3.1"

For version 2.5.2

fun navigate(
        entries: List<NavBackStackEntry>,
        navOptions: NavOptions?,
        navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?) 

has to be override as well.

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fada21 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10


Here's my solution, and it worked well in my app.

public void navigate(int resId, Bundle bundle) {
        NavController navController = getNavController();
        if (navController == null) return;
        NavDestination currentNode;

        NavBackStackEntry currentEntry = navController.getCurrentBackStackEntry();
        if (currentEntry == null) currentNode = navController.getGraph();
        else currentNode = currentEntry.getDestination();

        final NavAction navAction = currentNode.getAction(resId);

        final NavOptions navOptions;
        if (navAction == null || navAction.getNavOptions() == null) navOptions = ExampleUtil.defaultNavOptions;
        else if (navAction.getNavOptions().getEnterAnim() == -1
                && navAction.getNavOptions().getPopEnterAnim() == -1
                && navAction.getNavOptions().getExitAnim() == -1
                && navAction.getNavOptions().getPopExitAnim() == -1) {
            navOptions = new NavOptions.Builder()
                    .setPopUpTo(resId, navAction.getNavOptions().isPopUpToInclusive())
        } else navOptions = navAction.getNavOptions();
        navController.navigate(resId, bundle, navOptions);
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John 6 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

John 6

I have created the extension and called it instead of invoking navigation wherever required.

fun NavController.navigateWithDefaultAnimation(directions: NavDirections) {
    navigate(directions, navOptions {
        anim {
            enter = R.anim.anim_fragment_enter_transition
            exit = R.anim.anim_fragment_exit_transition
            popEnter = R.anim.anim_fragment_pop_enter_transition
            popExit = R.anim.anim_fragment_pop_exit_transition

like image 1
Suryavel TR Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10

Suryavel TR