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New posts in android-compatibility

App crashes on changing theme under styles

setRetainInstance not working for ListFragment when using compatibiltiy library

LinearLayout with dividers on pre Honeycomb

My App isn't Compatible with Nexus 7 on Google Playstore

AppCompatActivity vs AppCompatDelegate

android-support-v4 error generated with R.java being erased

Better to use FragmentActivity (or ActionBarActivity) or system Activity when targeting min API 14 (ICS)?

how to work around change in list item layout behavior change between sdk 17 and 18?

onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device

Appcompat, compatibility, and support libraries for Lollipop if minimum SDK = 14

Gradle conflict when using admob 15.0.0 with the lastest support library

StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.NonSdkApiUsedViolation: Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket;->setHostname(

Is using ActionBarSherlock still necessary?

How to get "?android:attr/actionBarSize" with Compatibility Library

Accessing NMEA on Android API level < 24 when compiled for target API level 29?

Can I use a actionLayout on the overflow menu of android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar?

How to make my website mobile and tablet compatible? [closed]

visual indication of over scroll in android

GridLayout from support library does not show 2 rows on Android 2, onChildVisibilityChanged Error

Optimizing Android manifest file for largest number of supported devices