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New posts in android-architecture-navigation

Recreating backstack with Android Navigation Architecture Component

Deep linking with splash screen and login state

How to reuse a fragment in different navigation graphs with safe args enabled?

Navigation component pop behavior is not working as it should [duplicate]

ViewPager2/Tabs problem with ViewModel state

Android Navigation Component - Navigate up opens the same fragment

Navigation Component's popUpTo not removing up button

How to pass a List as an argument to a Fragment using Navigation Component safeargs

How to prevent previous fragment to show up after pressing back button using navigation controller?

Accessing graph-scoped ViewModel of child NavHostFragment using by navGraphViewModels

Set toolbar title dynamically using navigation-component

Multiple containers for navigation component

FragmentNavigator add Fragment instead of replace for transparent background

Back navigation after deeplink by navigation architecture component

Navigation destination unknown to this NavController after an activity result

How to navigate from Dialog to Fragment in Navigation Component?

Coordinate Back Button ownership in Nested Navigation Controllers