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New posts in android-architecture-navigation

Navigation Architecture Component - Login screen

Pass safe-args when navigate to fragment

OnBackPressedCallback is being called, but app is not going back

NavDeepLinkBuilder destination ignored when app not in foreground

Android Navigation Component: How to solve the circular navigation with nested graph?

Conditional back navigation with Android Navigation Component

How to get NavHostFragment

LiveData observer is being triggered multiple times using Navigation Component

Why onViewCreated is called twice in android app using navigation components

How to hide actionbar in some fragments with Android Navigation Components?

Navigation Component: IllegalStateException Fragment not associated with a fragment manager

How to use navigation component with clicks coming from RecyclerView elements?

How to remove back button from toolbar when using bottom menu bar with navigation architecture components

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState caused by launchFragmentInContainer

Fragments are always recreated when used with Android navigation from jetpack