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How to pass a List as an argument to a Fragment using Navigation Component safeargs

The documentation discusses how to send simple integers and strings. For example:

    app:argType="integer" />

In the origin Fragment:

val action = OriginFragmentDirections.myAction(myInt)

In the destination Fragment:

val receivedInt = DestinationFragmentArgs.fromBundle(arguments).myIntArg

But say instead of myIntArg, I wanted to send a list of integers (myIntListArg). How would I do that? What app:argType would I use in my argument?

like image 893
JHowzer Avatar asked Nov 29 '18 18:11


1 Answers

You can add array arguments like this:


Note that "className" must be set like "com.google.package.ClassName".

like image 159
Carlos Perez Perez Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Carlos Perez Perez