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New posts in android-architecture-components

Android architecture components with MVP

Android MVVM - How to make LiveData emits the data it has (forcing to trigger the observer)

Periodic daily work requests using WorkManager

NavController no current navigation node after device rotation

Display back button on toolbar on first screen of navigation graph

Cannot resolve ViewModelProvider construction in a fragment?

Fragment lifecycle overlap on navigate

Ignoring navigate() call: FragmentManager has already saved its state

View.findNavController() vs Fragment.findNavController()

Android Arch Components ViewModel and LiveData trigger after screen rotation

How to query nested Embeded objects using Room Persistance Library in android?

How to correctly mock ViewModel on androidTest

Room user configurable order by queries

Nullability and LiveData with Kotlin

Android Jetpack Navigation How to handle the Toolbar and BottomNavBar content

View models for RecyclerView items

How to setSupportActionBar in a view that extends LifecycleActivity

Understanding Android Architecture Components example GithubBrowserSample: ViewModelModule, ViewModel parameters

Modifying PagedList in Android Paging Architecture library