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New posts in android-architecture-components

How to delete/remove PagedListAdapter item

Is WorkerManager a realiable way to implement alarm/reminder feature in the app?

PagedListAdapter jumps to beginning of the list on receiving new PagedList

Does ViewModel survive Activity save and restore?

Unresolved reference: NavArgs after added some arguments to destination

Android ViewModel and startActivity

AppCompatActivity not implementing LifecycleOwner

Disable adding fragment to backstack in Navigation Architecture Component

Is it possible to send arguments other than string or integer in android's new navigation component

How to make EditText observe a ViewModel's LiveData and forward user input to the ViewModel without using data binding

How to remove an item from PagedListAdapter in Android Paging Component

Is it possible to enforce non-nullability of LiveData values?

Calling Fragment constructor caused an exception. Navigation Architecture Component

Testing LiveData Transformations?

How to set target fragment of a dialog when using navigation components

Updating UI using ViewModel and DataBinding

Get Backstack status using android navigation component

Compile errors after updating to WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha09

Cannot invoke observeForever on a background thread

how to setup different toolbar using navigation controller component?