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New posts in android-architecture-components

Cause: androidx.navigation.safeargs can only be used with an androidx project

What are the differences between ViewModelProvider.Factory and ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory?

Pre-launch-report failures due to missing methods (in com.google.android.apps.mtaas.crawler-1/base.apk)

PagedListAdapter.submitList() Behaving Weird When Updating Existing Items

Android onBackPressed handling with new Navigation component

How to select from multiple databases in Android Room(How to attach databases)

Android Navigation Component pop to transition issue

Android Navigation library deep linking: How to synthesise backstack

Navigation Architecture component- How to refresh a fragment?

How to connect ViewModel with Repository so that data is propagated to the View (MVVM, Livedata)

Android Room error: TypeConverter not recognised for List of Enums

How to get LifecycleOwner in LifecycleObserver?

Unique OneTimeWorkRequest in Workmanager

How to work with nested relationships in Room

MediatorLiveData onChanged not getting called

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot invoke observeForever on a background thread

How to implement SwipeRefreshLayout with the new Paging Library

Cannot create an instance of custom ViewModel

How to chain transformations in Android when using live data?