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New posts in android-architecture-components

how to implement Conditional Navigation in navigation architecture components

ViewModel refetches data when fragment is recreated

Why LiveData still notify Activity which is in onPause state?

how to remove bottom navigation view and toolbar in some fragments if using navigation controller?

How to represent nested one to many relationship in android room?

Failed to resolve: androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions-ktx:2.0.0-alpha1

How can we "assign" LiveData from Room to MutableLiveData, within ViewModel

The correct way to obtain a ViewModel instance outside of an Activity or a Fragment

How ViewModel survives configuration change

RoomDatabase_Impl does not exist

Room relationship matching multiple columns

Android workmanager scheduled worker lost after task killed

Room query returns null

Android JetPack navigation with multiple stack

Android Navigation Architecture Component: How to pass bundle data to startDestination

Learn Android MVVM architecture components with kotlin

Convert LiveData to MutableLiveData

Android PagedList updates

Navigation Component: pass safeArgs from activity to a fragment

How to handle back button when at the starting destination of the navigation component