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Convert LiveData to MutableLiveData

Apparently, Room is not able to handle MutableLiveData and we have to stick to LiveData as it returns the following error:

error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type

I created a "custom" MutableLiveData in my DB helper this way:

class ProfileRepository @Inject internal constructor(private val profileDao: ProfileDao): ProfileRepo{

    override fun insertProfile(profile: Profile){

    val mutableLiveData by lazy { MutableProfileLiveData() }
    override fun loadMutableProfileLiveData(): MutableLiveData<Profile> = mutableLiveData

    inner class MutableProfileLiveData: MutableLiveData<Profile>(){

        override fun postValue(value: Profile?) {
            value?.let { insertProfile(it) }

        override fun setValue(value: Profile?) {
            value?.let { insertProfile(it) }

        override fun getValue(): Profile? {
            return profileDao.loadProfileLiveData().getValue()

This way, I get the updates from DB and can save the Profile object but I cannot modify attributes.

For example: mutableLiveData.value = Profile() would work. mutableLiveData.value.userName = "name" would call getValue() instead postValue() and wouldn't work.

Did anyone find a solution for this?

like image 718
kike Avatar asked Jun 20 '18 08:06


1 Answers

Call me crazy but AFAIK there is zero reason to use a MutableLiveData for the object that you received from the DAO.

The idea is that you can expose an object via LiveData<List<T>>

public interface ProfileDao {
    LiveData<List<Profile>> getProfiles();

Now you can observe them:

profilesLiveData.observe(this, (profiles) -> {
    if(profiles == null) return;

    // you now have access to profiles, can even save them to the side and stuff
    this.profiles = profiles;

So if you want to make this live data "emit a new data and modify it", then you need to insert the profile into the database. The write will re-evaluate this query and it will be emitted once the new profile value is written to db.

dao.insert(profile); // this will make LiveData emit again

So there is no reason to use getValue/setValue, just write to your db.

like image 68
EpicPandaForce Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
