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ViewModel refetches data when fragment is recreated

I am using Bottom Navigation with Navigation Architecture Component. When the user navigates from one item to another(via Bottom navigation) and back again view model call repository function to fetch data again. So if the user goes back and forth 10 times the same data will be fetched 10 times. How to avoid re-fetching when the fragment is recreated data is already there?.


class HomeFragment : Fragment() {

    lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelProvider.Factory

    private lateinit var productsViewModel: ProductsViewModel
    private lateinit var productsAdapter: ProductsAdapter

    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
                              savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
        // Inflate the layout for this fragment
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false)

    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    private fun initViewModel() {
        (activity!!.application as App).component.inject(this)

        productsViewModel = activity?.run {
            ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(ProductsViewModel::class.java)

    private fun initAdapters() {
        productsAdapter = ProductsAdapter(this.context!!, From.HOME_FRAGMENT)

    private fun initLayouts() {
        productsRecyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this.activity)
        productsRecyclerView.adapter = productsAdapter

    private fun getData() {
        val productsFilters = ProductsFilters.builder().sortBy(SortProductsBy.NEWEST).build()

        //Products filters
        productsViewModel.setInput(productsFilters, 2)

        //Observing products data
        productsViewModel.products.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
            it.products()?.let { products -> productsAdapter.setData(products) }

        //Observing loading
        productsViewModel.networkState.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
            //Todo showing progress bar


class ProductsViewModel
@Inject constructor(private val repository: ProductsRepository) : ViewModel() {

    private val _input = MutableLiveData<PInput>()

    fun setInput(filters: ProductsFilters, limit: Int) {
        _input.value = PInput(filters, limit)

    private val getProducts = map(_input) {
        repository.getProducts(it.filters, it.limit)

    val products = switchMap(getProducts) { it.data }
    val networkState = switchMap(getProducts) { it.networkState }

data class PInput(val filters: ProductsFilters, val limit: Int)


class ProductsRepository @Inject constructor(private val api: ApolloClient) {

    val networkState = MutableLiveData<NetworkState>()

    fun getProducts(filters: ProductsFilters, limit: Int): ApiResponse<ProductsQuery.Data> {
        val products = MutableLiveData<ProductsQuery.Data>()


        val request = api.query(ProductsQuery

        request.enqueue(object : ApolloCall.Callback<ProductsQuery.Data>() {
            override fun onFailure(e: ApolloException) {

            override fun onResponse(response: Response<ProductsQuery.Data>) = when {
                response.hasErrors() -> networkState.postValue(NetworkState.error(response.errors()[0].message()))
                else -> {

        return ApiResponse(data = products, networkState = networkState)

Navigation main.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<navigation xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_search" />
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_profile" />


class ViewModelFactory @Inject
constructor(private val viewModels: MutableMap<Class<out ViewModel>, Provider<ViewModel>>) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {

    override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        val creator = viewModels[modelClass]
                ?: viewModels.asIterable().firstOrNull { modelClass.isAssignableFrom(it.key) }?.value
                ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown model class $modelClass")
        return try {
            creator.get() as T
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)

enter image description here

like image 396
Nux Avatar asked May 30 '19 12:05


People also ask

What happens when activity recreated with ViewModel?

It is because of the Android system destroys the activity and recreates it from scratch, and as the activity is recreated, the old resources and instances of various classes(ViewModelProvider in our case) are first destroyed on calling onDestroy() method and later recreated in onCreate() .

How do you pass data between fragments using ViewModel?

Passing Data between fragments in Android using ViewModel: This is because ViewModel is tied to the activity lifecycle. To actually pass the data between fragments, we need to create a ViewModel object with an activity scope of both the fragments, initialize the ViewModel , and set the value of the LiveData object.

How does ViewModel retain data?

ViewModel objects are automatically retained during configuration changes so that data they hold is immediately available to the next activity or fragment instance. FYI: You can use ViewModel to preserve UI state only during a configuration change, nothing else as explained perfectly in this official doc.

What happens to ViewModel when activity is destroyed?

E.g. if it is an Activity, until it is finished. In other words, this means that a ViewModel will not be destroyed if its owner is destroyed for a configuration change (e.g. rotation). The new instance of the owner will just re-connected to the existing ViewModel.

1 Answers

One simple solution would be to change the ViewModelProvider owner from this to requireActivity() in this line of code:

ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(ProductsViewModel::class.java)

Therefore, as the activity is the owner of the viewmodel and the lifcycle of viewmodel attached to the activity not to the fragment, navigating between fragments within the activity won't recreated the viewmodel.

like image 183
khesam109 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
