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New posts in android-actionbar-compat

Using ActionBarCompat and requestWindowFeature

How to add custom action bar with navigation drawer?

New Theme.AppCompat ActionBar height

Android ActionBar custom action view tool-tip

Android ActionBar (ActionBarCompat) Spinner Dropdown list ?

Actionbar Compat change title textColor

Hide Action Bar in a Fragment Activity

Couldn't show items with AppCompat library

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #1: Error inflating class <unknown>

Android center custom view in actionbar

Failed to resolve attribute at index 13 at android.content.res.TypedArray.getDrawable()


ActionBar and ActionBar.Tab and Navigation Drawer android

AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments

Cannot override the final method from ActionBarActivity

NullPointerException with ProgressBar using ActionBarCompat

Unable create alertDialog in ActionBarActivity

When Google will release ActionBarCompat? [closed]

Invalid Payload type Android