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New posts in android-actionbar-compat

How to add support libraries?

How to display an ActionBarCompat Activity as a dialog setting its theme in AndroidManifest.xml?

Actionbar shows dropdown when only one item in the menu

action bar compact height changes when searchitem expand

ActionBarActivity getSupportActionBar().hide() throws NullPointerException

ActionBarCompat in FragmentActivty

Android expanded SearchView makes other ActionBar items disappear

Android ShareActionProvider work in debugging mode but doesn't in real device

Android ActionBar height issue

Strange divider with the v7 support actionbar

Android ActionBar does not show app icon after setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)

ActionBar styling after updating to Android lollipop

ActionBarCompat on Gingerbread fills whole screen

AndroidRuntimeException: requestFeature() must be called before adding content exclusive to Honeycomb 3.1 - 3.2.1

How to use Contextual Actionbar (CAB) with support.v7.widget.Toolbar and Listview?

Android ActionBar always null

Switching to ActionBarCompat, but have theme related build errors

Android ActionBar compat overflow menu not showing on sdk 10