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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow

Android M requesting permissions with permission_groups

How to Give Screen Overlay Permission On My Activity

Send request over WiFi (without connection) even if Mobile data is ON (with connection) on Android M

Android - Create SMS from PDU deprecated API?

BluetoothLeScanner.startScan with Android 6.0 does not discover devices

Provide custom text for Android M permission dialog

How to get Chrome History & Bookmarks in Android Marshmallow (API>=23)?

Android M: Programmatically revoke permissions

Android: java.land.NoSuchFieldError after update to SDK 23


CollapsingToolBarLayout - status bar scrim color doesn't change

Design lib - CoordinatorLayout/CollapsingToolbarLayout with GridView/listView

Force application to restart from first Activity (when a permission is denied)

Android marshmallow dynamic permission change kills all application processes

ConnectivityManager.requestNetwork in Android 6.0

Bluetooth LE Scan fails in the background - permissions

RecyclerView inside ScrollView, some items are not shown

How to manage Runtime permissions android marshmallow espresso tests

Android 6.0 Dialog text doesn't appear

How to deal with removal of a permission for a broadcast receiver in Android M?