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New posts in android-2.2-froyo

attempting to unit test and something with RoboGuice.newDefaultRoboModule() is failing with Roboguice 2.0b3 and Robolectric

Element ITEM is not allowed in MENU

Change WebView font using CSS; font file in asset folder. (problem)

Geo Fix command does not pass altitude

Android MediaPlayer - Downloading and Streaming at same time revisited

Tips to shift from App Inventor to Eclipse

After update the APK supports fewer devices than previously

android how can i use ObjectAnimator class for android 2.2

ListView setOnItemClickListener and setOnItemSelectedListener to store the Selected Item Index

android android-2.2-froyo

Android camera functions don't work on a few phones

Start / stop built-in Wi-Fi / USB tethering from code?

Camera.getNumberOfCameras() not working on Android 2.2

Double click event in android

android android-2.2-froyo

Android ProgressBar: loading with Timer

android android-2.2-froyo

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first

AlertDialog or Custom Dialog

Android Market: "This item is not compatible with your device."

ADB is not working and failed to initialize the monitor thread error occurred in the ddms in android [duplicate]

glGetShaderInfoLog returns empty string (android)

Which Android API to use?

android-2.2-froyo android