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New posts in android-2.2-froyo

File.list() returns files in a different order for 4.0 than 2.2

Can I develop android applications using Eclipse IDE for Java EE?

ant cannot find pre_setup.xml for an Android project

navigator.geolocation.GetCurrentPosition throws "The last location provider was disabled" error

Viewflipper Receiver not registered error while orientation change in 2.1 and 2.2

Cannot get list of public rooms from xmpp Server on Android?

Downloading files in API <9

error while opening eclipse

Android SDK build tools

android android-2.2-froyo

Why are some contacts censored from apps on android?

Can't use android spinner drawable?

Some Android SDK components does not want to install.Why?

HorizontalListview with image select and unselect

Android: Setting button height in XML based on it's width

Is there is any way to clear the location details which is already captured from android device manually?

Android 2.2 - How do I detect if I am installed on the SDCard or not?

Multiple alignment in TextView?