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New posts in roboguice

Robolectric 2.0 not creating views when testing

robolectric roboguice

using roboguice without extending Activity

android roboguice

Roboguice injection into adapter

Injected objects became null after upgrading to Roboguice 3

When are @InjectView fields injected?

android roboguice

Android: How to extends my Activity class with RoboActivity + ActionBarActivity

roboguice how to inject custom class

android roboguice

Problem with ProGuard and RoboGuice with @Inject annotations

Android app with RoboGuice 2.0 - How to inject a Singleton with the Application context

Inject object Resources in Class Util (using Dagger)

RoboGuice 3.0 NoClassDefFoundError: AnnotationDatabaseImpl

android roboguice

attempting to unit test and something with RoboGuice.newDefaultRoboModule() is failing with Roboguice 2.0b3 and Robolectric

Using RoboFragment with FragmentManager

Gradle and multiple projects with Roboguice dependency

android gradle roboguice

InjectView in RoboFragment

Mocking SQLite-Database while testing Activity with Robolectric

Deserializing a Generic Type with Jackson

Android - Setting up Roboguice 2.0?

android guice roboguice

Injectview (Roboguice) not working with multiple layouts

android roboguice