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What makes Guice unable to run on Android except as Guice-no-aop?

java android aop guice roboguice

ORMLite for Android: Bind DAO with Roboguice

android ormlite roboguice

java.lang.ClassCastException: android.app.Application cannot be cast to roboguice.application.RoboApplication

android roboguice

RoboGuice 3.0 NoClassDefFoundError: roboguice.inject.ContextScopedRoboInjector

Android Roboguice proguard warning

Android Roboguice Exception

android roboguice

Using Guice to inject dependencies into an Android activity's constructor

android guice roboguice

Guice @Provides Methods vs Provider Classes

Any simple examples using roboguice with fragments in android?

android fragment roboguice

java.io.FileNotFoundException: com/google/inject/internal/util/$Finalizer.class at the start of android app

android roboguice

Android & RoboGuice - Inject views on Fragment?

Keep annotated class in Proguard

android proguard roboguice

Using Dependency Injection with Roboguice?

Where is log output written to when using Robolectric + Roboguice?

Process crashes during creation of RoboGuice injector, if there is a mocked instance in any module

java android eclipse roboguice