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Where is log output written to when using Robolectric + Roboguice?

I'm using Robolectric to test Android. I'm running my tests via maven, e.g.

mvn -Dtest=LogTest test 

If I have code that writes to the logs, such as

Log.d("TAG", "blah"); 

or using Roboguice's Ln


I don't see any output in maven's surefire logs (text files).

Ideally, I actually want simple log statements to go to the console. I can write to the console by using System.out.println("blah"), but of course I'd rather use the supported logging APIs.

So my question is, why am I not seeing log output at all, and how can I get the log messages written to the console?

like image 929
Tyler Collier Avatar asked Apr 19 '12 00:04

Tyler Collier

1 Answers

I am running robolectric-2.0-alpha-3.

What worked for me was to set in the setUp method of my test the stream to stdout

Something like:

@Before public void setUp() throws Exception {   ShadowLog.stream = System.out;   //you other setup here } 

With this version of robolectric I had no success doing the same (ShadowLog.stream = System.out) in a custom TestRunner or in my TestLifeycleApplication.

Setting the system property System.setProperty("robolectric.logging","stdout"); was of no effect as well, but it might works in previous versions.

like image 130
Jesus Monzon Legido Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10

Jesus Monzon Legido